Cheap Flights to Djibouti - Djibouti Flights

You are viewing the lowest possible fares for cheap flights to Djibouti for departures up to 180 days in advance. These cheap Djibouti flights may not be available for purchase on your desired travel dates. Click on a desired departure airport name to display a detailed list of fares applicable to the selected origin, sorted by travel periods. The following page will help you understand how airlines structure their fares to Djibouti based on travel seasons, giving you an opportunity to pick the cheapest time to travel within the next half a year.

Compare Fares for Cheap Flights to Djibouti by Clicking on Your Nearest City

Atlanta Flights from $1,255

Departure date 7/14/24

Boston Flights from $1,184

Departure date 7/19/24

Detroit Flights from $1,146

Departure date 10/5/24

Washington Flights from $1,033

Departure date 9/6/24

Houston Flights from $2,311

Departure date 7/22/24

New York Flights from $1,526

Departure date 8/16/24

Los Angeles Flights from $1,534

Departure date 7/16/24

Miami Flights from $1,197

Departure date 8/5/24

Minneapolis Flights from $1,337

Departure date 9/16/24

Chicago Flights from $1,255

Departure date 7/30/24

Portland Flights from $2,160

Departure date 7/19/24

Phoenix Flights from $1,872

Departure date 8/1/24

San Diego Flights from $1,549

Departure date 10/4/24

Seattle Flights from $1,254

Departure date 9/8/24

* Listed sample fares include all fuel surcharges and airport taxes. Please use the flight search form above to search and display cheap fares applicable to your specific itinerary and travel dates.

Djibouti Flights Facts

  • The city of Djibouti is served by the following airport: Ambouli (JIB)
  • A total of 6 airlines operate their flights to/from Djibouti. Click here for detailed airline information, including route maps, contact telephones and websites.
  • Djibouti serves as a hub for the following airline: Daallo Airlines

Djibouti Flights Distance and Flight Time Calculator

Popular Picks:

  • New York - Djibouti: 7060 miles, flight time 14 hours
  • Los Angeles - Djibouti: 9080 miles, flight time 18 hours
  • Moscow - Djibouti: 3070 miles, flight time 6 hours
  • Sydney - Djibouti: 7700 miles, flight time 15 hours
  • Rio de Janeiro - Djibouti: 6310 miles, flight time 13 hours
  • Paris - Djibouti: 3480 miles, flight time 7 hours
  • Tokyo - Djibouti: 6130 miles, flight time 12 hours

Djibouti Highlights - From the Djibouti Flights Guide

The city has great beaches, lying to the east. It is aloa great base from where to explore the region, such as the mysterious Lake Abbé  and the Goda Mountains.

Read the rest of the Djibouti Flights Guide »

Djibouti City - Khor Ambado Beach, one of the city's best beaches

Khor Ambado Beach

This soft sandy beach is peaceful and quiet and an ideal place for picnics or snorkeling.

Djibouti scuba diving offers a wealth of marine life sighting. Between September and January the whale sharks stop here on their migratory way.

Djibouti - Lake Abbe

Lake Abbé

The outstanding scenery of this desolate area is well known for its 50 meter white limestone chimneys, striking landscape and flocks of pink flamingoes.


Goda Mountains

Goda Mountains

These mystic green mountains, home to several indigenous tribes, are a great place for hiking. The area is also home to the tomb of Sheikh Abu Yazid, a sacred and special place for the Djibouti Muslims.

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